Incorporating entrepreneurial know-how in teaching assignments
After a longer break, I am back again in active apprenticeship. Following my studies in philosophy and education and 1st and 2nd state examination at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn, Germany, and at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, I did high school and adult teaching – in parallel with my journalistic activities. Following a longer break in teaching due to various consultancy activities I came back to my roots. I do enjoy working with young people and passing on my practical experience.
Thinking patterns are changing, away from linear to disruptive thinking. Exactly to these changes I want to do justice to in my teaching. In addition to imparting knowledge, this new attitude and mindset should be trained. Thanks to my personal and business experiences of the last 35 years on international stage, interesting analogies can be drawn between yesterday and today. It is about traditional patterns and new approaches that take into account the increasing complexity of systems. The latter requires a sovereign, creative and productive handling of disruptions and contradictions, allowing a new error culture. Particularly, in the context of academic training of future shapers of companies, it is important to train this new mindset and thus contribute to a future-oriented and sustainable economy.
University of Applied Sciences RheinMain
Accomplished: The winter semester is over!
Last Friday the final session in the master study program interior design in the modules “market management” and “communication strategies” at the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain, Wiesbaden, Germany, took place. 20 students, self-confident and purposeful, who I was allowed to accompany as lecturer, are looking forward to a short break before starting with their master thesis – last hurdle in the master course of studies. The final presentations comprised the introduction of a brand or service, a topic individually chosen by the students. Applied were techniques and content developed during the semester. During their final presentations they have proven critical reflection. They dispose of plenty of creative and forward-looking ideas, that the market strongly needs. An enrichment for every prospective employer!
University of Applied Sciences Fresenius
In the summer semester 2020, I will be teaching “Management and Economics in Healthcare” at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. The bachelor’s degree program teaches the basics of marketing in the healthcare system and covers different sub-markets of the healthcare industry, such as the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, the outpatient sector and nursing homes. Students should become acquainted with and apply the conceptual approach of market-oriented management as well as the specifics of branding in healthcare.