In the framework of the ivgt (Industrieverband Veredlung – Garne – Gewebe – Technische Textilien e.V.) workshop „Trade fair communication“ Isa Hofmann gave leads and suggestions related to the topic “How a professional dialogue can secure the trade fair success”. Trade fairs are publicist megaevents. Communication is the core element and the key to success. During trade fairs companies are in the public spotlight. This is a perfect opportunity to bring the right messages across. Communication should be considered as important as the perfectly conceived trade fair booth. Public Relations and press activities seem to be still a true hurdle for companies. However it can be so easy. Often the gigantic added value of a targeted corporate and product PR preliminary, during and right after the trade fair is tremendously underestimated.
During the presentation core aspects of a structured and well conceptual preparation have been addressed. Further it had been demonstrated, how important the definition of clear targets with sufficient forward planning really is: How to reach potential new costumers? Which messages shall be communicated? How to put company and products in the international focus? How to achieve that people talk about us?
The agency experience shows exemplarily what can be achieved with professional communication during trade fairs. The engagement of an external professional agency is vital to guarantee a journalistic editing and not give the impression to act on an amateur level.