Digital Transformation: Dr. Isa Hofmann gives keynote at HTL Dornbirn, Austria

KatharinaEvents, News


SALTEX 2016 ©Matthias Rhomberg

On the occasion of the annual networking event at the HTL (Höhere Technische Bundeslehr – und Versuchsanstalt) Dornbirn, a technical and vocational highschool located in Dornbirn, Austria, Dr. Isa Hofmann gives a keynote on the progressive digitalization and its impact on our daily life. What are the new challenges waiting for us and how we may cope with them in a “smart” way. Using impressive figures and facts, Dr. Isa Hofmann will illustrate the breathtaking paradigm shift, that digitalization has initiated and that is always more noticeable and constantly accelerating. Established market structures break down. New business models, that put the user in the focus, are sprouting up like mushrooms. The new smart service world 2025 will change everything. The digital transformation is changing the way we communicate, our consumer habits, our way of production, in fact the way we live and work.

Given the ubiquitous changes HTL Dornbirn has launched a new educational format in the training course Industrial Engineering called “product management and futuretecs”. It will be determined by a strong interdisciplinary approach. Is is all about the exciting opportunities and application varieties for textiles arising from new technologies.

Location: Auditorium of HTL Dornbirn, Höchsterstrasse 73, Dornbirn, Austria