Positive impulse concerning the recent refugee debate


Let us transform some people´s nightmare into a “European Dream” – US sociologist and economist Jeremy Rifkin already encouraged us to do so 12 years ago.

Jeremy Rifkin published his book “The European Dream.: How Europe’s Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream” in 2004. In an interview in the german magazine absatzwirtschaft 2/2005 he reflected on the topics immigration and integration of foreigners. In view of the current context and recent developments you might think he had the gift of premonition. He claims Europeans should overcome their panic fear of immigration and “should keep their doors wide open for millions of diligent immigrants willing to integrate”. He predicts the European Dream as a global dream that assumes the integration of multifarious cultures. Rifkin: “Imagine there were several millions of open-minded, motivated young Europeans willing to help immigrants to integrate successfully, assimilate culturally, learn the language and find a job. In exchange, this would prepare young volunteers for cultural diversity before entering their studies or starting to work. With a moderate effort you might save your future and European Dream”.  How wise and farsighted! We should finally take up Jeremy Rifkin’s appeal, wake up from the nightmare feeling and build up Europe “as a new reference point for global values”, “the new model to live together in peace and freedom”. Everybody can contribute according to personal opportunities and networks. As an example Kiron already enabled more than 1.200 refugees to study. This example gives reason for hope. Education is an essential step to gain successful and sustainable integration.
