Owner-managed full service PR agency IHOFMANN located in Wiesbaden, Germany goes online with a new website starting September 08. Interconnected in the world of technology and high-tech materials the agency is operating successfully on the market for more than 10 years now, appreciated for its expertise in public relations, content marketing and conference management.
Dr. Isa Hofmann M. A., managing director IHOFMANN: „Storytelling as a key element of our daily business has quite rightly become one of the buzz words in the communication sector. Especially products requiring explanations may be highlighted on a sustainable basis and thus foster discussions covering cross-media channels. Ultimately our goal is always to virtuously convey content to make sure the key messages reach the respective target groups.”
IHOFMANN is member of the association Industrieverband Veredlung – Garne – Gewebe – Technische Textilien e.V. (ivgt) based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Managing director Dr. Isa Hofmann has been recently called in to join the programme committee of Man-Made Fibers Congress, Dornbirn, Austria (www.dornbirn-mfc.com).